Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Still surviving

I went for a run yesterday. I am really getting into this fitness malarky. I always said, there was no point getting fit whilst I was still smoking. 8 smoke free weeks now and still going.

As I was running (thank God I was actually RUNNING and not puffed out in a corner)



My ex-friend/boss and her mother.

The two that gave me personal hell like no other.

Walking without a care in the world. La, la, la.


This injustice STILL churns me up. I survived a shitty husband walk out on his family. So, why do these two people still affect me in such a way?

Many things happened during my brief 8 months working for my friend and her mother. I was my friend's mentor while she was training to become a nursery worker. I took her under my wing many years ago and watched her blossom into a great nursery assistant. I was proud.

It was her dream to own a nursery one day. Daddy bought one for her. How kind.

With Mowgli at school and a new baby, a single mum needs to make ends meet. So I went back to full-time work when she was 2 months old.

Hind-sight is a beautiful thing and I really should have stayed at my job as a No7 lady. Make-up, perfumes and girly chats. Good days. My parents were looking after the kids everyday and I needed to prove to myself that I was capable of standing on my own two feet. Stubborn, yes. Liberating, absolutely.

So I thought, why not work at my friends nursery? Earn money, still have my little girl with me, pick up Mowgli from school, everyone is a winner.

My sanity lost.

I was made to feel inferior, useless and ashamed. Demoralised and belittled. If someone tells you this over and over, you start to believe it.

Many incidents spring to mind. Like the time my lunch fell out of the fridge onto the floor by my manager opening the fridge. I was made to appologise for it AND had to clean it up. I ate no lunch that day. Or the times I had to ask for permission to go to the bathroom and my requests denied. Many people with power and titles have huge egos and do not remember the friends they stand on to get to the top.

I still have scars on my arms where my nails dug in out of sheer frustration and humiliation.

I dared to speak up one day. Stood my ground. Things were quiet for a week. Then they dismissed me. In the middle of the day so I had to work the rest of that day asking myself, how many of the other staff had known that week? Did they know they were 'getting rid' of me? To be pushed before I jumped took that last of me. I went to the doctors and they signed me off for a month due to stress. I had been given a months notice so I would never have to go back again. I remember walking around my local Tesco's cowering behind my mother in case I bumped into them. A grown woman of 30 with 2 children reduced to this. People can be so very cruel.

I knew I may bump into them someday. I hoped they would see me looking fabulous, laughing surrounded with people I love, harder, better, stronger, faster. I guess it was rather apt they saw me out running. Harder, better, faster and stronger.

I thought about this all evening. Why was this still bothering me?

I was rejected by my ex and that was the very worst. Just when I picked myself up and dusted myself down, life had fired another missile in my direction. Why was I shot down so soon? Did God think I was strong enough to take another shot? Is he preparing me for a big bomb later in life? Or is he shaping me as a person? Does this design my character? Will I allow them both to affect me the rest of my life?




  1. Excellent. Both the the blog, and your attitude. More power to your elbow or wherever you may need it. With the determination you have shown you do not need to fear anything. Life, I have no doubt, will throw more spanners at you,but believe me [personal experience] as long as you draw on your memories and strength of will you will overcome anything. Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger and WISER :)Pob Luc....

  2. Good for you, always remember a favourite quote of mine... nil illegitimi carborundum =)

    (Wikipedia will help you out if you've never heard of it before ;-) )
